
Sponsorhip Type COST
PROGRAM – BACK COVER Full Colour back cover of program, promotional banner, 2 division sponsors with program line recognition, calendar add, PBP website scroll, PBP website ad and link, “day of show” announcements $1000
BACK NUMBERS Company name on the back of all the back numbers, promotional banner, Division sponsor with program line recognition, calendar add, PBP website ad and link. $750
BANNER SPONSORS 5×4 promotional banner placed on fence railings, 1 class sponsor with program line recognition, “day of show” announcement, web link recognition $500
Unlimited number
Program Sponsor- Full Page Ad Full colour ad, “show day” announcements, web link recognition and ad, 1 division / 3 class sponsorship with program line recognition $500
Program Sponsor -Half Page page Half page Colour program ad, web link recognition 2 class sponsors with line Program recognition, “show day” announcements $350
Program Sponsor – Quarter Page Ad Quarter page Colour program ad, 1 class sponsor with program line recognition, PBP web ad “day of show” recognition $175
Program Sponsor – Business Card Ad Business card ad, 1 class sponsor with program line recognition, “day of show” announcements $120