2024-2025 DRESSAGE
Show Rules


  1. Show Entry is made through www.horseshowsonline.com and must be completed prior to the Monday before the show weekend. Late entries are subject to ride time availability and a $10 Late Fee.
  2. Scratches for any reason after Ride Times assigned are non-refundable.
  3. Bridle Numbers: Each horse/rider combination will be issued a bridle number at the Ring gazebo or office. All horses on the show grounds must wear a bridle number or the rider must wear a back number while mounted.
  4. Ride Times: Ride times will be available on our web site, https://pb-posse.com, and on the Facebook page. It is the rider’s responsibility to ensure they know their ride time.
  5. Attire: Our shows encourage a casual riding experience with riders required to wear riding breeches, collared shirts and boots. Helmets are required for all PBP shows and must be worn whenever on horseback. No rider will be marked down due to attire.
  6. Association Rules: PBP follows USEF, USFA WDAA rules. There are exceptions based on PBP General Rules, i.e. relaxed dress code. If you have a special request for equipment, wound care, etc. please contact the Dressage Director before the show.
  7. Daily Awards: Daily Awards are ribbons from 1stst thru 6th. Placings will be available after the completion of the show.